The most widely used estimate of tobacco consumption is that provided by duty-paid clearances of Australian-made and imported tobacco products destined for sale in Australia.
Excise duty is paid on cigarettes produced in Australia but not destined for export. 1 Customs duty is paid on cigarettes imported for sale in Australia. 2
Tobacco products produced in or imported into Australia over the years have included:
2.2.1 Total tobacco product on which duty was levied
Table 2.2.1 shows the total weight of tobacco products on which duty was levied in Australia for cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco product for selected years since data were first collected shortly after federation and passage of the Excise Act 1901 5 and the Customs Act 1901 6 , and then in each year from 1969–70 to 1998–99. The dutiable weight was based on the total dry weight of the cigarette or other tobacco product: that is, it was adjusted for moisture content. It included the weight of cigarette paper and the filter but excluded the weight of packaging.
Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics data on excise clearances
Excise reports: comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer and tobacco on which excise duty was paid in the Commonwealth during the years 1907–1912 (calendar years), 7 1911 to 1918–19, 8 1919–20 to 1928–29, 9 1929–30 to 1938–39, 10
Excise reports: Quantity of spirits, beer, tobacco etc on which duty was paid in the years 1939–40 to 1948–49, 11 1949–50 to 1953–54, 12 1954–55 to 1958–59, 13 1958–59 to 1962–63 14
Overseas trade bulletins: quantity of goods on which excise duty was paid, 1963–64 to 1967–68, 15 1968–69 to 1972–73 16 and 1972–73 to 1976–77 17
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data on excise clearances
Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1973–74 to 1986–87 18–27
Excise data for Australian tobacco products supplied to author by John Broweleit, ABS, for July 1977 to June 1981, 1981 to 1988 and 1988 to 1993 on 2 February 1995 and for July 1993 to June 1994 on
2 December 1994
Excise data (month-by-month) for Australian tobacco products since 1994, supplied to author by International Trade Section, ABS, 14 August 1997,13 March 1998 and monthly by electronic subscription between 1998 and 2003 28
Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics data on customs clearances
Annual statement of the trade of the Commonwealth of Australia, general imports–Australia, 1903, 29 1904 30 and 1905 31
Trade and customs and excise revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia, Imports–Australia, 1906 32 to 1913 33–38 and 1914–15 to 1920–21 39–45
Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian statistics of oversea imports and exports and customs and excise revenue, Imports–Australia, 1920–21 and 1921–22 46 through 1922–23 and 1923–24 to 1936–37 to 1937–38 47–62
Overseas trade and customs and excise revenue, Imports–Australia, 1937–38 and 1938–39 to 1948–49 and 1949–50 63–75
Overseas Trade Statistics: imports Cleared for Home Consumption–Australia 1950–51 to 1958–59 76–83
Imports cleared for home consumption bulletins, 1959–60 to 1972–73 84–97
Australian Bureau of Statistics data on customs duty
Imports cleared for home consumption, 1973–74 to 1977–78 98–102
Imports cleared for home consumption – Australia 1978–79 to 1980–81 103–105
International Trade Branch, Import clearance data for Australian tobacco products, 1981–82 to 1987–88, and 1988–89 to 1993–94 supplied to author by John Broweleit, ABS, 2 December 1994 and 2 February 1995
Annual customs data from 1995 supplied on request to author by ABS Information service on 1st August 2007
Notes on excise and customs duty
Figures before 1966 were recorded in imperial weights but have been converted to kilograms in this table.
It should be noted that excise data on roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco products was for many years compiled from at least two different product codes. Pipe tobacco and chewing tobacco appear to have been coded together with RYO over some periods of time and separately in others. In many years, some pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco and even possibly RYO tobacco may have been incorrectly coded to one or more 'other' (miscellaneous) codes (letter to author from P Holt, Australian Customs Service, clarifying coding of RYO tobacco products, 11 October 1996). It is therefore not possible to be confident about historical data for individual product types.
Suggested citation for those reproducing this table
Scollo M. Chapter 2: Trends in tobacco consumption. In: Scollo M and Winstanley M, eds. Tobacco in Australia, facts and issues. Melbourne, Australia: Cancer Council Victoria, 2012. Table 2.2.1, Tobacco products levied for duty for sale in Australia (total excise and customs): cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products, 1910 to 1998–99 (millions of kilograms). Produced using data in historical publications published by the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, publications produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and data provided by the ABS. Available from
In 1999, following extensive lobbying by health groups, the manner in which excise was calculated was changed from a system based on the weight of cigarettes (with adjustment for moisture content and including filters and paper) to a system based on the number of sticks per pack–see Chapter 13, Section 13.3 for further details. Smoking tobacco including pipe tobacco and loose pouch tobacco used for roll-your-own cigarettes continued to be taxed by weight. The very small proportion of cigarettes and the very large proportion of cigars produced or imported that weighed more than 0.8 g were also still taxed by weight, excluding the weight of the filter. While estimates of the weights of cigarettes produced in recent years are available, 106 these are based on weight without any adjustment for moisture content, so little is known about the comparative weight of cigarettes over time. Data on cigarette amounts by weight from this more recent period listed in Table 2.2.2 are necessarily approximations only and therefore not readily comparable with data from the period prior to 1999.
The total amount of tobacco dutied in Australia rose steadily after World War I, peaked in the mid-1970s and declined steadily over the last 25 years of the century.
While the weight of tobacco products on which excise and customs duty is levied appears to have dropped between 1998–99 and 2000–01, the total estimated weight seems to have remained fairly steady between 2001 and 2009. Total estimated weight appears to have dropped sharply following the 25% increase in excise and customs duty on tobacco products from 30th April 2010, with the total estimated weight of products in 2011 about 9.3% lower than the total estimated weight in 2009.
2.2.2 Tobacco products dutied per capita
Table 2.2.3 sets out the amounts of each sort of tobacco product for which duties were levied in Australia for selected years between 1910 and 1999, divided by the number of people recorded in the same year as being aged 15 years or older.
Table 2.2.4 shows the total weight of tobacco products on which duty was levied, divided by the total number of Australians aged 15 and over for the final (financial) year of each decade from 1910 to 1940, five-yearly from 1944–45 to 1969–70, and then annually until 1998–99.
Per capita tobacco consumption has varied over the years, with lower use due to economic hardship during the Depression and shortages of tobacco stock following the World Wars. It increased sharply after World War II and remained steady over the 1960s and in the early 1970s, corresponding with increased uptake by young women–see Chapter 1 Section 1.1. It then started to decline following increased publicity about the health effects of smoking and adoption of various tobacco-control policies, commencing with the phasing out of cigarette advertising on television and radio in the mid-1970s–See Section 2.10 for further discussion.
Figure 2.2.1 plots the total data per capita at 10-year intervals for each type of tobacco product consumed.
Cigarettes have represented an increasing share of the total amount of tobacco on which excise and customs duty have been levied since 1910, with cigarettes exceeding other forms of tobacco products since 1955.
Table 2.2.5 shows the numbers of cigarettes dutied per capita since 2000–01, and estimated numbers for 1997–98 and 1998–99.
Per capita consumption of cigarettes appears to have fallen sharply–by about 16%–over the period of major reform of the structure of tobacco taxes in Australia (between 1999 and 2001)–see also Section 2.5 and Chapter 13, Section 13.2, It fell only very slightly between 2001 and 2005. Per capita consumption in 2010–11 was about 12.8% lower than it was in 2008–09 before a 25% increase in excise duty in April 2010.
Data on tobacco clearances have not been published by the Australian Taxation Office since 2011. Material provided by the Australian Treasury in response to requests to the Government under Freedom of Information legislation are set out in Table 2.2.5 b. These figures cover clearances of ready-made and roll-your-own tobacco. Note that the material in Table 2.2.5b does not include clearances of cigars and can therefore not be directly compared to the material set out in Table 2.2.5a. As described in Chapter 13, Section 13.2, since 1999, excise and customs duty on RYO tobacco in Australia has been equivalent to that on ready-made cigarettes for a RYO cigarette that is rolled to contain 0.8g of tobacco, and a RYO cigarette that is rolled to contain 0.7g of tobacco since September 2020. Recent research suggests that Australian consumers generally use much less tobacco than this, with amounts declining as prices increase. 116 The final column of the table sets out estimates of per capita cigarette consumption assuming that each RYO cigarette is made with only 0.6g of tobacco.
The figures in Table 2.2.5b reveal a continuing decline in numbers of ready-made cigarettes cleared for sale in Australia, with 35% fewer dutied in the most recent period than in the 2011 calendar year (43% fewer per capita). This has been offset to some extent by a 37% increase in the estimated number of RYO cigarettes (estimated based on the amount of RYO tobacco cleared). Taking into account population growth, and assuming RYO cigarettes weigh an average of 0.7 g, estimated per capita numbers of cigarettes consumed based on these figures declined by 35% between 2011 and 2019-2020 averaged (or by 34% if it is assumed RYO cigarettes weigh only 0.6g).
2.2.3 Tobacco products dutied per smoker
Clearly, consumption of tobacco products across the total population has declined steadily over the past 30 years. But what about among those who continue to smoke? Given the amount of tobacco on which duty is levied in Australia each year, how many cigarettes and other tobacco products must be consumed each day, on average, by each person who smokes, and how is this changing over time?
Table 2.2.6 shows the average number of cigarettes consumed each year and each day by those people who could be described as current smokers in each of the latest four National Drug Strategy Household Surveys, estimating this figure in two different ways – first by dividing the numbers of cigarettes (or cigarette equivalents) cleared for duty on which excise or customs duty was paid, and second by asking smokers to report how many cigarettes they smoke each day, week or month.
Based on customs and excise receipts for cigarettes and smoking tobacco combined, estimated weekly consumption of cigarettes among remaining smokers appears to have reduced by about 19% between 2001 and 2019.Estimates of the amount of tobacco consumed per smoker using this method are considerably higher than amounts generated by asking smokers in surveys how many cigarettes they smoke each day, week or month. Nevertheless, estimated consumption based on reported numbers of cigarettes smoked appears to have decline by roughly the same amount (18%) over the same period. Refer Section 2.3 for reported consumption among various age groups over time.
1. Excise Regulations 1925 (Cth). Available from:
2. Customs Regulations 1926 (Cth). Available from:
3. American Cancer Society. Smokeless tobacco: harm reduction debatable CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2008;58:4-6. Available from:
4. Michael C Tate Minister of State for Justice and Consumer Affairs. Consumer protection notice no. 10. S 144 Tuesday 4th June, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1991. Available from:
5. Excise Act 1901 (Cth). Available from:
6. Customs Act 1901 (Cth). Available from:
7. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Excise 1907-12.Table XXXIII Comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer and tobacco on which excise duty was paid in the Commonwealth during the years 1907-1912 (calendar years) p 629. Melbourne, CBCS, 1913. Catalogue information available from:
8. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Excise 1911 to 1918-19.Table XXXII Comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer and tobacco on which excise duty was paid in the Commonwealth during the years 1911 to 1918-19 p 604. Melbourne, CBCS, 1920. Catalogue information available from:
9. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue; Excise 1919-20 to 192-29.Table XXXIV Comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer and tobacco on which excise duty was paid in the Commonwealth during the years 1919-20 to 1928-29 p 838. Canberra, CBCS, 1930. Catalogue information available from:
10. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue; Excise 1929-30 to 1938-39.Table XXXII Comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer and tobacco on which excise duty was paid in the Commonwealth during the years 1929-30 to 1938-39 p 723. Canberra, CBCS, 1940. Catalogue information available from:
11. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Excise 1939-40 to 1948-49.Table XXXIV Quantity of spirits, beer, petrol, tobacco etc on which excise duty was paid in Australia during the years 1939-40 to 1948-49 p 998. Canberra, ABS, 1950. Catalogue information available from:
12. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade, Excise 1949-50 to 1953-54; Table XXXIX Comparative statement of quantity of spirits, beer, tobacco, petrol etc on which excise duty was paid and the Gross Excise Duty paid during the years 1949-50 to 1953-54 p 572. Canberra, CBCS, 1955. Catalogue information available from:
13. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade, Excise 1954-55 to 1958-59; Table 31 Quantity of spirits, beer, tobacco, petrol etc on which excise duty was paid and the Gross Excise Duty paid during the years 1954-55 to 1958-59 p not copied. Canberra, CBCS, 1960. Catalogue information available from:
14. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade, Excise 1958-59 to 1962-63; Table 33 Quantity of spirits, beer, tobacco, petrol etc on which excise duty was paid and the Gross Excise Duty Paid during the years 1958-59 to 1962-63 p 793. Canberra, CBCS, 1965. Catalogue information available from:
15. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas Trade; Table no 35 Quantity of goods on which excise duty was paid and the gross excise paid, 1963-64 to 1967-68 p 1050. Canberra, CBCS, 1970. Catalogue information available from:
16. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas Trade; Table no 32 Quantity of goods on which excise duty was paid and the gross excise paid, 1968-69 to 1972-73 p 632. Canberra, ABS, 1975. Catalogue information available from:
17. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 78 7535.5 Overseas Trade; Table 22 Quantities on which duty was paid and the gross excise duty paid by item, 1972-73 to 1976-77 112. Canberra, ABS, 1979. Catalogue information available from:
18. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 7 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1977-78 p 32. Canberra, ABS, 1980. Catalogue information available from:
19. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 8 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1978-79 p 33. Canberra, ABS, 1981. Catalogue information available from:
20. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1979-80 p 21. Canberra, ABS, 1982. Catalogue information available from:
21. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1980-81 p 21. Canberra, ABS, 1983. Catalogue information available from:
22. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1981-82 p 23. Canberra, ABS, 1984. Catalogue information available from:
23. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 7 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1982-83 p 24. Canberra, ABS, 1985. Catalogue information available from:
24. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1983-84 p 24. Canberra, ABS, 1986. Catalogue information available from:
25. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1984-85 p 23. Canberra, ABS, 1987. Catalogue information available from:
26. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 6 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1985-86 p 23. Canberra, ABS, 1988. Catalogue information available from:
27. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs and Excise Revenue, Australia, Annual Summary Tables; Table 5 Excisable tobacco products: quantity cleared and revenue collected by state 1986-87 p 22. Canberra, ABS, 1989. Catalogue information available from:
28. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Monthly tobacco excise receipts, unpublished data. Electronic files provided to Michelle Scollo of The Cancer Council Victoria, 1996 to 2003.
29. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Annual Statement of the Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table III General imports, 1903 - Australia p 119-20. Melbourne, CBCS, 1904. Catalogue information available from:
30. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Annual Statement of the Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table V General imports, 1904 - Australia p 118-20. Melbourne, CBCS, 1905. Catalogue information available from:
31. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Annual Statement of the Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table IX. General imports, 1905 - Australia p 132-33. Melbourne, CBCS, 1906. Catalogue information available from:
32. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table IX. Imports, 1906 - Australia p 125-6. Melbourne, CBCS, 1907. Catalogue information available from:
33. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1907 - Australia p 147-8. Melbourne, CBCS, 1908. Catalogue information available from:
34. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1908 - Australia Melbourne, CBCS, 1909. Catalogue information available from:
35. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1909 - Australia p 72-76. Melbourne, CBCS, 1910. Catalogue information available from:
36. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1911 - Australia p 62-5. Melbourne, CBCS, 1912. Catalogue information available from:
37. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1912 - Australia p 62. Melbourne, CBCS, 1913. Catalogue information available from:
38. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1913 - Australia p 61-3. Melbourne, CBCS, 1914. Catalogue information available from:
39. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1914-15 - Australia p 60-2. Melbourne, CBCS, 1916. Catalogue information available from:
40. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1915-16 - Australia p 60-2. Melbourne, CBCS, 1917. Catalogue information available from:
41. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1916-17 - Australia p 58-60. Melbourne, CBCS, 1918. Catalogue information available from:
42. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1917-18 - Australia p 56-7. Melbourne, CBCS, 1919. Catalogue information available from:
43. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1918-19 - Australia p 53-4. Melbourne, CBCS, 1920. Catalogue information available from:
44. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1919-20 - Australia p 54-6. Melbourne, CBCS, 1921. Catalogue information available from:
45. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth of Australia; Table II. Imports, 1920-21 - Australia p 55-7. Melbourne, CBCS, 1922. Catalogue information available from:
46. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table II. Imports, 1920-21 and 1921-22 - Australia p 56-8. Melbourne, CBCS, 1923. Catalogue information available from:
47. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table II. Imports, 1921-22 and 1922-23 - Australia p 70-1. Melbourne, CBCS, 1924. Catalogue information available from:
48. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table II. Imports, 1922-23 and 1923-24 - Australia p 65-7. Melbourne, CBCS, 1925. Catalogue information available from:
49. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table II. Imports, 1923-24 and 1924-25 - Australia p 67-9. Melbourne, CBCS, 1926. Catalogue information available from:
50. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table II. Imports, 1924-25 and 1925-26 - Australia p 67-9. Melbourne, CBCS, 1927. Catalogue information available from:
51. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table IV. Imports, 1925-26 and 1926-27 - Australia p 241-3. Melbourne, CBCS, 1928. Catalogue information available from:
52. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table IV. Imports, 1926-27 and 1927-28 - Australia p242-4. Canberra, CBCS, 1929. Catalogue information available from:
53. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table IV. Imports, 1927-28 and 1928-29 - Australia p 235-7. Canberra, CBCS, 1930. Catalogue information available from:
54. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1928-29 and 1929-30 Australia p 196-8. Canberra, CBCS, 1931. Catalogue information available from:
55. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1929-30 and 1930-31 - Australia Canberra, CBCS, 1932. Catalogue information available from:
56. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1930-31 and 1931-32 - Australia p156-7. Canberra, CBCS, 1933. Catalogue information available from:
57. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1931-32 and 1932-33 - Australia p 150-1. Canberra, CBCS, 1934. Catalogue information available from:
58. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1932-33 and 1933-34 - Australia p 160-1. Canberra, CBCS, 1935. Catalogue information available from:
59. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1933-34 and 1934-35 - Australia p170-1. Canberra, CBCS, 1936. Catalogue information available from:
60. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1934-35 and 1935-36 - Australia p 167-9. Canberra, CBCS, 1937. Catalogue information available from:
61. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1935-36 and 1936-37 - Australia p 176-8. Canberra, CBCS, 1938. Catalogue information available from:
62. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade Bulletin: Australian Statistics of Oversea Imports and Exports and Customs and Excise Revenue+; Table III. Imports, 1936-37 and 1937-38 - Australia Canberra, CBCS, 1939. Catalogue information available from:
63. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1937-38 and 1938-39 - Australia Melbourne, CBCS, 1940. Catalogue information available from:
64. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1938-39 and 1939-40 - Australia Melbourne, CBCS, 1941. Catalogue information available from:
65. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1939-40 and 1940-41 - Australia Canberra, CBCS, 1942. Catalogue information available from:
66. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table II. Imports, 1941-42 - Australia p182-5. Canberra, CBCS, 1943. Catalogue information available from:
67. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table II. Imports, 1942-43 - Australia p 152-3. Canberra, CBCS, 1944. Catalogue information available from:
68. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table II. Imports, 1943-44 - Australia p 152-3. Canberra, CBCS, 1945. Catalogue information available from:
69. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1944-45 - Australia p154-6. Canberra, CBCS, 1946. Catalogue information available from:
70. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1945-46 - Australia p 292-3. Canberra, CBCS, 1947. Catalogue information available from:
71. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1945-46 and 1946-47 - Australia Canberra, CBCS, 1948. Catalogue information available from:
72. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table III. Imports, 1946-47 and 1947-48 - Australia p 358-60. Canberra, CBCS, 1949. Catalogue information available from:
73. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas Trade and Customs and Excise Revenue; Table IV. Imports, 1947-48 and 1948-49 - Australia p 338-40. Canberra, CBCS, 1950. Catalogue information available from:
74. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade; Table IV. Imports, 1948-49 and 1949-50 - Australia p343-5. Canberra, CBCS, 1951. Catalogue information available from:
75. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Oversea Trade; Table IV. Imports, 1949-50 and 1950-51- Australia Melbourne, CBCS, 1952. Catalogue information available from:
76. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1951-52; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1953. Catalogue information available from:
77. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1952-53; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1954. Catalogue information available from:
78. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1953-54; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1955. Catalogue information available from:
79. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1954-55; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1956. Catalogue information available from:
80. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1955-56; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1957. Catalogue information available from:
81. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1956-57; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1958. Catalogue information available from:
82. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1957-58; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1959. Catalogue information available from:
83. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Overseas trade statistics: imports cleared for home consumption 1958-59; Quantity from each major importer, codes 822 (cut, not elsewhere included), 829 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 830 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 840 cigars, 851 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1960. Catalogue information available from:
84. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1959-60; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1961. Catalogue information available from:
85. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1960-61; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1962. Catalogue information available from:
86. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1961-62; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1963. Catalogue information available from:
87. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1962-63; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1964. Catalogue information available from:
88. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1963-64; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1965. Catalogue information available from:
89. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1964-65; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1966. Catalogue information available from:
90. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1965-66; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1967. Catalogue information available from:
91. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1966-67; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1968. Catalogue information available from:
92. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1967-68; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1969. Catalogue information available from:
93. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1968-69; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1970. Catalogue information available from:
94. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1969-70; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1971. Catalogue information available from:
95. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1970-71; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1972. Catalogue information available from:
96. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Imports cleared for home consumption bulletin 1971-72; Quantity from each major importer, codes 8210 (tobacco, cut, other), 8290 Manufactured other than cut (the manufacture of UK containing not less than 15% Australian leaf), 8300 (22A cigarettes of UK origin and 22B1 cigarettes not of UK origin), 8400 cigars, 8510 snuff Melbourne, CBCS, 1973. Catalogue information available from:
97. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1972-73 p 46-7. 1974. Catalogue information available from:
98. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1973-74 p 46-7. 1975. Catalogue information available from:
99. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1974-75 p 40-1. 1976. Catalogue information available from:
100. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1975-76 p 41-1. 1977. Catalogue information available from:
101. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1976-77 p 47-8. 1978. Catalogue information available from:
102. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1977-78 p 43-4. 1979. Catalogue information available from:
103. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption, Australia; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1978-79 p 108-9. 1980. Catalogue information available from:
104. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption, Australia; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1979-80 p 118-19. 1981. Catalogue information available from:
105. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 5412.0 Imports Cleared for Home Consumption, Australia; Imports cleared for home consumption, 1980-81 p 101-2. 1981. Catalogue information available from:
106. Australian Government. Australian cigarette ingredient information. Canberra: Department of Health and Ageing, 2011 [viewed 9 December 2011]. Available from:
107. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Customs quantities and value for tobacco products 2003-04 to 2010-11, unpublished data. Canberra: ABS. Electronic files provided to 2004 to 2011.
108. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Statistics on drug use in Australia 2006. Drug statistics series no. 18, cat. no. PHE 80W. Canberra: AIHW, 2007. Available from:
109. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Drugs in Australia 2010: tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. Drug statistics series no. 27, cat. no. PHE 154. Canberra: AIHW, 2011. Available from:
110. Australian Taxation Office. Taxation Statistics 2009-10: a summary of income tax returns for the 2009-10 income year and other reported tax information for the 2010-11 financial year. Canberra: ATO, 2012 Last modified 30 April 2012 [viewed 30 April 2012]. Available from:
111. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 3201.0 Population by age and sex, Australia, states and territories. Table 9 Estimated resident population by single year of age, Australia. Canberra: ABS, 2006. [viewed 12 September 2006] ; Available from:
112. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2011, Table 59. Estimated resident population by single year of age, Australia Canberra: ABS, 2011. Available from:
113. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 3201.0 Population by age and sex, Australian states and territories, Jun 2010; Table 9. Estimated resident population by single year of age, Australia Canberra: ABS, 2010. Available from:
114. Australian Tax Office. Taxation Statistics 2004-05: A summary of income tax returns for the 2004-05 income year and other reported tax information for the 2005-06 financial year. Canberra: Australian Tax Office 2007 Last modified 17 April 2006 [viewed 21 April 2006]. Available from:
115. Australian Taxation Office. Taxation Statistics 2008-09: a summary of income tax returns for the 2008-09 income year and other reported tax information for the 2009-10 financial year. Canberra: ATO, 2011]. Available from:
116. Branston JR, McNeill A, Gilmore AB, Hiscock R, and Partos TR. Keeping smoking affordable in higher tax environments via smoking thinner roll-your-own cigarettes: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey 2006-15. Drug Alcohol Depend, 2018; 193:110-116. Available from:
117. Australian Government. Total tobacco clearances data. 30 Oct FOI req 1803. Canberra: The Treasury, 2015. Available from: .
118. Australian Government. Net Clearances of Tobacco Products. 28 Oct FOI req 1970. Canberra: The Treasury, 2016. Available from:
119. Australian Government. Monthly data on the net clearances of all tobacco products from ATO and Customs for the period July 2015 - December 2016. 30 Jun FOI req 2146.Canberra: The Treasury, 2017. Available from:
120. Australian Government. Total tobacco clearances data. 3 Aug FOI req 2350.Canberra: The Treasury, 2018. Available from:
121. Australian Government. Total tobacco clearances data Jul 2018 to Jun 2020. 31 Mar 2021, FOI req 2880
122. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics. Estimated Resident Population By Single Year Of Age, Australia. Canberra, Australia 2020 Last update: Viewed 231/03/2021. Available from:
123. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2001 National Drug Strategy Household Survey: detailed findings. Drug statistics series no. 11, AIHW cat. no. PHE 41. Canberra: AIHW, 2002. Available from:
124. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2004 National Drug Strategy Household Survey: detailed findings. Drug strategy series no.16, AIHW cat. no. PHE 66. Canberra: AIHW, 2005. Available from:
125. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2007 National Drug Strategy Household Survey: detailed findings. Drug statistics series no. 22, AIHW cat. no. PHE 107. Canberra: AIHW, 2008. Available from:
126. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey: survey report. Drug statistics series no. 25, AIHW cat. no. PHE 145. Canberra: AIHW, 2011. Available from:
127. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. National Drug Strategy Household Survey detailed report: 2013. Vol Cat. no. PHE 183. Canberra: AIHW, 2014. Available from:
128. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) 2016 key findings. Vol Canberra: AIHW, 2017. Available from:
129. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) 2019 Canberra: AIHW, 2019. Available from: