Chapter 18 E-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine products

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Greenhalgh, EM |Jenkins, S |EM, Bain |Scollo, MM. 18.2 Advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes. In Greenhalgh, EM |Scollo, MM |Winstanley, MH [editors]. Tobacco in Australia: Facts and issues. Melbourne : Cancer Council Victoria; 2019. Available from
Last updated: January 2025

18.2 Advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes

A robust body of research1,2 has concluded that tobacco companies have engaged in widespread marketing activity that exerts an influence on young people; exposure to such marketing and other portrayals of smoking in the media and popular culture causes smoking uptake (see Chapter 11 Tobacco advertising and promotion).2 A growing body of research has been documenting similarly extensive marketing of e-cigarette products and exploring how it might affect use of e-cigarettes, particularly among young people and never smokers.

18.2.1 Exposure to e-cigarette promotion

Even prior to major promotion by tobacco companies, a large proportion of people in the US were aware of the existence of e-cigarettes.3 Between 2009 and 2010, awareness doubled from 16.4% to 32.2%,4 and has continued to increase over time5. By 2015, another study reported that 83.6% US adults were aware of e-cigarettes.6 E-cigarettes are widely promoted using a range of channels, including online through banner and video adverts and social media, print media, television, and in physical and online shops.7

Awareness of e-cigarette promotion has been particularly strong among young people. In the U.S., Canada, and England, a survey found that exposure to e-cigarette marketing among young people increased between 2017 and 2019, although to a lesser extent in England, where stricter advertising regulations apply.8,9 National surveys of US adolescents conducted between 2014 and 2020 observed a decline in exposure to e-cigarette advertising through traditional media (newspapers, magazines, TV), while exposure through retail stores and the internet fluctuated but increased in the later years.10 In 2020, 68% of US adolescents reported seeing e-cigarette advertisements, primarily in retail stores (59%) and online (41%).11 A 2021 study of US young adults showed similar advertising exposure patterns, with retail stores and digital platforms being the most common sources.12

Even in countries with advertising restrictions, such as Australia, exposure to e-cigarette advertising is widespread. A survey of adolescents and young adults in four countries that restrict e-cigarette advertising (Australia, China, India, and the UK) found that 85% were exposed to e-cigarette advertising, and that higher rates of exposure were linked to higher rates of e-cigarette use.13 A small Australian study using a convenience sample found that in 2019 more than half (56%) of adult respondents reported exposure to e-cigarette advertisements on social media platforms. Although exposure was more likely among users of e-cigarettes, almost one-third of non-users reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising.14

18.2.2 Expenditure on e-cigarette promotion

Estimates of e-cigarette companies' advertising expenditures have varied, but generally indicate an increase over time. Between 2011 and 2012, one study estimated that expenditure have trebled from $US6.4 million to $18.3 million with expenditure highest on magazine and TV media channels.15 Another analysis of e-cigarette advertising spending in the US found that it increased from $US59 million in 2013 to $US91 million in 2014, followed by a sharp decline to $US37 million in 2015. Spending shifted over time in terms of media channels and messaging, and also differed depending on the brands’ affiliations with the tobacco industry.16

Since 2019, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has required major e-cigarette manufacturers to report their advertising expenditures. These reports showed a five-fold increase in spending between 2015 and 2019, rising from US$197 million to US$1.03 billion, before declining to US$720 million in 2020 and then increasing again to US$859 million in 2021. In 2021, the majority of spending (62%) was allocated to price discounts and promotional allowances to retailers and wholesalers. Other notable expenditures included $96 million on point-of-sale advertising and $59 million on sampling. Expenditure on advertising in traditional media such as television, radio, magazines, and newspapers peaked in 2019, however in 2021 there was no reported spending in these categories.17 Reported spending on digital advertising, including social media and company websites, peaked at $88 million in 2019 but decreased to $24 million in 2021. Although digital advertising is not a high expenditure category, social media advertising offers broad reach at a lower cost than other media channels.18,19

Other expenditure has focused on countering growing restrictions and combatting negative perceptions of e-cigarettes. In Canada in 2020, Imperial Tobacco Canada launched a campaign in major newspapers, and on billboards and websites that downplayed the risks of vaping and accused the media and anti-tobacco groups of intentionally spreading false information.20,21 Also in 2020 it was reported that Philip Morris International (PMI) paid News Corp Australia tens of thousands of dollars to run four online articles that were designed to look like science features, as part of an international campaign to lobby for weaker regulation.22 In response to public health concerns, JUUL announced a $30 million investment in 2018 to combat underage use. An analysis of this expenditure concluded that the campaign did not appear to be designed to educate or reach parents; rather, it targeted cities in the US where health organisations and legislative officials were launching investigations into JUUL.23

18.2.3 Messages in e-cigarette advertising

E-cigarette marketing predominately promotes smoking cessation and health-related benefits, despite the limited evidence supporting these claims (see Section 18.7 Effects of e-cigarette use on smoking and Section 18.6 The health effects of e-cigarette use). E-cigarette promotions also often emphasise themes of sociability, lifestyle, and sensory aspects of vaping, such as enjoyment, taste, and flavour, price and product characteristics.24

An analysis of print advertisements in the US found that the advertisements typically implied use for ‘harm reduction’, or as a partial alternative to cigarettes (dual use) and often incorporated the theme of individuality, sociability, and sexuality. Particular demographics were targeted depending on the publication; for example, a blu ad in Rolling Stone magazine showed a shirtless man lying in bed next to an overweight, semi-naked woman with the words ‘no regrets’ boldly highlighted. In contrast, a blu ad in Us Weekly showed a stylish, attractive woman with the text: ‘Freedom never goes out of fashion… blu produces no tobacco smoke and no ash, only vapor, making it the ultimate accessory….Step out in style with blu.’25

Marketing efforts aimed at capturing a younger market involve depictions of youth using e-cigarettes, content associated with youth culture, promotion of innovative flavouring and highlighting the public performance of vaping.26,27 Celebrity endorsements, cartoons, flavours, and implications of increased social status may be particularly appealing to young people,28-32 and such forms of advertising have been likened to traditional cigarette advertising.29,33-35 Adverts promote perceptions among children that e-cigarettes are fun, cool, healthier/safer than tobacco cigarettes, and can be used to circumvent smokefree policies.36,37 Flavoured e-cigarette adverts may elicit greater appeal and interest in buying and trying e-cigarettes than ads for non-flavoured products.38

The tobacco and e-cigarette industry also promotes itself as socially and environmentally responsible industry to appeal to youth and influence public opinion (see also Section 10.11 Corporate responsibility and the birth of good corporate citizenship).39 In 2023, advertisements for Elf Bar featuring the slogans “Recycling for a Greener Future” and “Green Awareness” were displayed on buses and digital billboards in London. These advertisements were subsequently banned as they breached several advertising codes relating to misleading advertising, qualification, environmental claims and substantiation.40

18.2.4 Forms of advertising and promotion Online advertising

The increasing popularity of e-cigarettes has been largely attributed to aggressive promotion over the Internet.41 E-cigarette are advertised online through social media (see Section, online retailer and brand websites, and in paid ads. E-cigarette vendors have actively employed various strategies to boost the appeal and visibility of their products, including membership deals, holiday discounts and other discounting strategies, social media links, and celebrity endorsements.42,43 Regulation of this environment is particularly challenging, and has led to calls for targeted policy-making including robust age verification and restrictions on marketing and promotion.42 Some have suggested that online sales of e-cigarettes be banned until there are adequate checks in place to prevent sales to minors.44

Analyses of e-cigarette retail websites found that nearly all include explicit or implicit health-related claims, with some even featuring endorsements from doctors. The majority of these sites also promote e-cigarettes as smoking cessation tools.28,43,45 However, they often lack information about nicotine addiction or the potential health risks associated with e-cigarette use.46,53

Several studies in Australia and New Zealand have also shown the large majority of online vendors do not require proof of age, many simply require the purchaser to indicate they are 18 years of age.45-47 A survey in Melbourne found that 87 per cent of parents were worried that those under the age of 18 can easily buy e-cigarettes and liquids online.48

E-cigarette companies have also advertised on youth-focused online media channels. Following its launch in 2015, JUUL reportedly bought online advertisements on teen-focused websites for Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Seventeen magazine.49 In 2019, PMI  reportedly signed a $US6.5M sponsored content deal with Vice Media, which focuses on the 18- to 34-year-old market, to promote e-cigarettes.50 Social media and the use of social influencers

As with tobacco cigarettes (see Section 11.11), social media serves as a low-cost way for e-cigarette companies to target current and potential users. The promotion of products on social media is less expensive than traditional advertising venues, and can be difficult to monitor and regulate.18,19 Recent years have seen a proliferation of e-cigarette advertisements and user-generated vaping content on YouTube,51 Facebook,52 Twitter,53 Instagram,54,55 TikTok,56 Reddit,57 Twitch58, Snapchat59 and Tinder.60 An analysis conducted in 2019 found that among 35 of the leading e-cigarette brands in the US, most had pages on at least two social media platforms.61 The widespread advertising of e-cigarettes on social media is particularly alarming due to its significant reach and influence on young people. Multiple studies have found that greater use of social media is associated with a greater risk for e-cigarette use among adolescents.62-66

A review of e-cigarette messaging on social media found that the products were being promoted as safer, as a useful cessation aid, and for use where smoking is prohibited.27 Novel flavouring, customisation of products, the public performance of vaping (e.g. vape tricks), humour, the perceived affordability and “cool” factor of e-cigarettes are also common themes.27,67-69 An analysis of YouTube ads found that messages likely to appeal to young people, such as those promoting flavours and technological improvement, appeared in about two-fifths of the videos.70

Companies also promote e-cigarettes through referral programs, competitions and giveaways on social media. Retailers and manufacturers have offered users rewards of store credit, vaping products, music festival tickets and loyalty points for liking, following, sharing and tagging friends in their social media content.71

The portrayal of e-cigarettes on social media is often glamorised by influencers and celebrities, presenting vaping as a fashionable and desirable activity.72 An investigation into JUUL Labs Inc.’s role in the ‘youth nicotine addiction epidemic’ found that JUUL recruited thousands of online ‘influencers’ to market to teens and had deliberately targeted children in order to become America’s largest seller of e-cigarettes.73,74 British American Tobacco (BAT),75-78 Imperial Brands,79 PMI,80 and multitudes of other e-cigarette companies81-83 have similarly used celebrities, models and influencers to promote their products. These influencers, many with large social media followings, are sometimes paid to promote e-cigarettes under the guise of unbiased reviews.84 An analysis found 75% of e-cigarette influencers on Instagram did not restrict youth access to their promotional content.83 Exposure to e-cigarette influencers is higher among adolescents who frequently use TikTok and Pinterest, and among young adults on Twitter (now called X).85 Four e-cigarette manufacturers, including BAT, have had Instagram posts promoting e-cigarettes using models and celebrities banned by the UK Advertising Standards Authority.86

Sales can also take place on social media through individual, retail and online sellers, even in countries where the products are banned.87,88 Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok are common platforms to buy e-cigarettes among US adolescents.89 Illicit e-commerce sales on these platforms are promoted to underage individuals by offering ‘discreet shipping' to circumvent age restrictions and parental oversight. Discreet shipping involves the use of packaging and shipping methods that conceal the true contents of the package, such as concealing e-cigarettes within cosmetic sets.90,91 TikTok has also contained videos that guide users on where to purchase illegal e-cigarettes in Australia.92

Along with being a platform for e-cigarette advertisements from manufacturers and retailers,93 much of the social media content related to e-cigarettes is generated by people who vape.94 While not necessarily endorsed by manufacturers, this content nevertheless provides free advertising for brands. Despite not having official brand accounts, as of August 2020, videos tagged #juulgang (content related to JUUL) had 548.9 million views, a 7% increase compared with three months earlier and #puffbar (related to Puff Bar) had 258.1 million views, a 136% increase.56 Another study of the 10 most popular videos on TikTok portraying Puff Bars found that they had received millions of views. Most videos featured nicotine or addiction-related content and flavour, 2 included sale or promotional content, and 2 portrayed underage youth.95 Analyses of vaping content on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok found the majority portrays vaping positively.68,96

While exposure to e-cigarette marketing at the point of sale tends to reflect country-specific policies, exposure to e-cigarette advertisements on websites or social media does not tend to follow country-specific policies.97 Despite Australian law and Meta’s own advertising standards prohibiting ads promoting the sale and use of e-cigarettes, paid advertisements have been found across Meta platforms including Facebook and Instagram.98 An experiment in Australia found that, contrary to Facebook’s advertising policy, mock ads containing e-cigarettes were approved for targeted advertisement to 13-17-year-old users.99 Responsible Vaping Australia, an initiative of BAT Australia, ran a series of advertisements opposing proposed e-cigarette reforms in Australia. Despite the group claiming to represent retailers who want to sell e-cigarettes responsibly, the ads targeted all Australians over 18 and breached Facebook’s advertising policy which requires disclosure of tobacco company sponsorship.100 Product placement

Product placement in film, television and music videos offers enormous reach for e-cigarette companies, particularly to young people, and can serve to normalise and glamorise e-cigarette use and associate it with aspirational celebrities. Studies found that several official music videos from the Billboard Hot 100 featured e-cigarette product placement and imagery. Although such placement appeared in a relatively low number of videos, they had collectively received billions of views. Hip Hop videos were the most likely genre to include e-cigarette product placement, while the predominant theme of videos was image/lifestyle/sociability.101,102 Additionally, a study of the most popular Netflix series and films among young adults in the US during 2020–21 found that 13% of these titles contained e-cigarette-related content.103 Research in the US found that exposure to e-cigarette product placement or imagery in music videos, Netflix series or movies is associated with greater risk of e-cigarette use.104-106 Discounts and giveaways

E-cigarette companies have utilised a range of giveaways, promotions and discounts to promote their products, with discounting being the largest advertising expense reported by e-cigarette companies in 2021.17 A number of reports have detailed instances of e-cigarette companies offering free samples of their products to children.107,108 NHS staff in the UK were reportedly ­offered vouchers for e-cigarettes by VPZ, which is partly funded by PMI and is the largest vape retailer in the UK.109 In 2016, the US FDA prohibited giving away free samples of vaping products.110 However, companies rapidly circumvented restrictions and started selling nearly-free samples of $1 or less.111,112 Companies also use prize giveaways. For example, in 2020, Vype (an e-cigarette brand owned by R. J. Reynolds) had 30 days of giveaways on its Instagram page, offering prizes such as headphones, trainers and sunglasses.113 E-cigarette retailers have also reportedly offered college scholarships, which results in their brands being listed on university websites.114 There are also reports of incentives being offered for using e-cigarettes. Reviti life insurance, a subsidiary of PMI, offered discounts to people who smoke to switch to IQOS or e-cigarettes.115

Vaping conventions provide opportunities for promotion of products and social networking among users. Attendance is generally free or low-cost, and can include free food, drink, prizes, parties, and contests, as well as free samples of products. They also provide the opportunity for attendees to try a wide range of products before purchasing, and facilitate social interaction among e-cigarette users.116 Vapour cloud competitions and vaping trick shows (usually sponsored by e-cigarette manufacturers or industry associations) were often included in the conventions, though these events have declined as vaping culture and technology have evolved.117-119

As with tobacco cigarettes (see Section 13.1), the pricing of e-cigarettes appears to play an important role in uptake and use. Studies have shown price promotions on e-cigarettes increase their appeal to young adults.120,121 Disposable e-cigarettes, which are often sold at low prices, have made these products more accessible to youth.122 Additionally, pod-based devices like JUUL and Vuse are often sold at low cost or given away for free, but they require users to purchase disposable, device-specific pods, a tactic that may have contributed to increased youth use.123 Sponsorships

An investigation into BAT found that it has been sponsoring music and sporting events around the world, including an Formula 1 e-sports tournament that was streamed live on YouTube, accessible to viewers of all ages, including children.107 BAT has also sponsored a number of other car racing tournaments, promoting its ‘reduced risk’ products.124,125 In 2019, the Victorian Government implemented a ban on advertisements for e-cigarettes ahead of Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Phillip Island. The ban followed revelations that PMI and BAT had signed deals with Ferrari and McLaren to advertise e-cigarettes and other products at the Grand Prix and other motor sport events.126 Despite advertising bans in countries like Australia, BAT’s VUSE branding on McLaren cars is still displayed in races in countries without tobacco promotion restrictions and in the popular Netflix series “Formula 1: Drive to Survive”, which are broadcast internationally.127 This is especially concerning given the sport’s young fanbase—McLaren had the youngest audience of any F1 team in 2021, with approximately 38% of its fans aged 18 to 24.128 Additionally, several e-cigarette brands have sponsored soccer teams in the UK and France, further increasing their visibility among young audiences.129,130 Product features Flavours that appeal to youth

E-cigarettes and e-liquids come in a wide range of flavours, including tobacco, menthol/mint, nuts, spices, coffee/tea, alcohol and other beverages, fruit, desserts and candy/lollies and concept flavours like ‘rainbow unicorn’.131 A study in 2014 estimated that over 7500 different flavours of e-liquid were available from online retailers.132  The wide range of sweet flavours is one of the most commonly cited reasons for experimentation with e-cigarettes among children, along with curiosity.133-137 Young adults similarly cite curiosity138 and flavours139 as common reasons for initiating e-cigarette use. Flavoured e-cigarette adverts appear to elicit greater appeal and interest in buying and trying e-cigarettes than ads for tobacco or non-flavoured products.38,120 The presence of flavouring and/or nicotine at the first e-cigarette exposure is associated with progression to current and more frequent e-cigarette use among adolescents,140-142 and can also decrease perceptions of harm.143,144 Non-tobacco flavours may be particularly appealing to never smokers compared with people who smoke.145 Given that flavours play an important role in increasing the appeal of products, limiting the availability and marketing of flavours may reduce appeal.146-148 Additionally, e-cigarette companies have also tried to tap into “wellness” market producing vapes that allow users to inhale ingredients such as vitamin B12, caffeine, melatonin or essential oils, with product names like ‘NutriAir’.149 Product designs and packaging

Along with advertising that appeals to children, e-cigarette manufacturers have been criticised for creating child-friendly packaging for e-cigarette products and liquids. The FDA has issued warnings to companies that had created e-cigarette products that resembled toys, school supplies, youth appealing characters, alcohol bottles, juice boxes and other drinks, lollies, and cookies. Along with increasing the appeal of these products for use among adolescents, the FDA notes that many could be mistaken for food or beverage products by younger children, leading to increased poisonings.150-152 There have also been e-cigarettes sold that resemble toys, mobile phones and gaming devices and are advertised as having designs and functions that may appeal to children and young people, such as the ability to play games and connect to a mobile phone.153,154 In Australia, there have been similar reports of vaping products sold in packaging featuring cartoon-like characters.155 Experimental research has indicated that adolescents exposed to e-cigarette marketing featuring cartoon images tend to perceive e-cigarette as less harmful, which can increase their intention to try them.156 More recently there has also been a growth in products that facilitate inconspicuous e-cigarette use (known as ‘stealth vaping’), which aim to conceal the products and/or the exhaled vapour. Researchers have expressed concern that these products could appeal to adolescents as a way to hide e-cigarettes from their parents and teachers.157

Figure 18.2.1 E-cigarette liquids purchased in NSW, Australia

Source: NSW Health Retail promotion and access

Internationally, access to e-cigarettes in retail stores and retail promotion varies with countries legal restrictions.

In Australia, e-cigarette products can only be legally sold in pharmacies as of July 1, 2024 (see Section 18.13). However, illegal sales of vaping products in tobacconists and other retailers and on social media have been reported since the ban.98,158,159 Prior to these restrictions, an audit conducted in 2019 in Perth, Western Australia (WA) found vapes were sold in tobacconists, speciality-vape stores, supermarkets, service station and smoke shops. E-cigarette products were displayed on the front counter in 98% of stores. Unlike other retailers, speciality vape shops often had bar-style layouts and lounge areas and provided free e-liquid samples.160 Another audit conducted in WA in 2023 found that almost two in five (39%) e-cigarette stores were located within 500m of a school and most (88%) were located within 1km of a school. In metropolitan WA, e-cigarette stores were also more densely located in areas of socio-economic disadvantage.161 In 2023, there were also reports in Victoria of vape retailers being located near schools and e-cigarette being sold alongside youth-oriented merchandise like confectionary, energy drinks and toys.162 In 2022, prior to the implementation of pharmacy-only retail restrictions, it was reported that pharmacists had been proposed cash incentives for stocking, dispensing, and recommending PMI’s VEEV vaping products. The proposed VEEV Pharmacy Program was met with condemnation from peak Australian medical and pharmacy bodies.163

Studies in the US, England and Canda report that young people most commonly purchase e-cigarettes from vape shops.164,165 In England, a 2021 analysis found e-cigarette displays were highly visible in supermarkets and convenience stores, with most retailers having some form of promotional material for e-cigarettes.166 Surveys of adolescents in England also found that around two-thirds of adolescents had noticed e-cigarettes in supermarkets.167 Similarly, in New Zealand, a 2017 analysis found that among e-cigarette retailers, products were visible at point of sale in almost all (89%) stores, including 15% with self-service displays and 15% with displays adjacent to children's products. Advertising was present in 31% of the outlets.168 Research also indicates that perceptions of e-cigarettes being easy to purchase are associated with higher usage among young people.169

18.2.5 Effects of e-cigarette advertising and promotion

There is increasing evidence of the effects of e-cigarette marketing on interest, trialling and regular use of e-cigarette products. Increases curiosity, appeal and intentions to use e-cigarettes

Young people exposed to e-cigarette adverts report more positive attitudes toward, greater curiosity about and higher intention to use the products,36,37,62,170-177 as well as reductions in their perceptions of health risks of e-cigarette use.178-180 Young people in particular may be more susceptible to e-cigarette advertisement. A study of adults who use e-cigarettes, found that younger adults had greater intention to use e-cigarettes after viewing adverts.181

Adverts promote perceptions among children that e-cigarettes are fun, cool, healthier/safer than tobacco cigarettes, and can be used to circumvent smokefree policies.36,37,182,183 Ads that imply that e-cigarette use can enhance one’s social life or self-image promote positive attitudes toward the products among young adult non-smokers.184 The more likeable young people find advertisements the more likely they are to be willing to try e-cigarettes.185 A study of people who smoke’s reactions to e-cigarette advertising found that their interest in trying e-cigarettes is highest after viewing ads with messages about differences between regular and electronic cigarettes, such as claims about e-cigarettes’ lower cost, greater ‘healthfulness’ and utility for smoking cessation, as well as when they see advertisements showing someone actually using the product.186

Higher internet187 and social media62 use is associated with increased risk of using e-cigarettes among youth. A meta-analysis found that young people exposed to e-cigarette content on social media were more susceptible to e-cigarette use and had lower risk perceptions.188 E-cigarette content on social media generated by real-life and online friends was associated with reduced perceived risk of e-cigarettes among youth.189

Exposure to tobacco marketing in retail outlets may also increase adolescents’ willingness to use e-cigarettes.190-192 A study in the US found that exposure to e-cigarette ads at point-of-sale were associated with having greater odds of susceptibility toward and curiosity about e-cigarette use.193 Increases use of e-cigarettes

Correlational191,194-203 and longitudinal180,204-215 studies have also found an association between e-cigarette marketing exposure and greater use of e-cigarettes. Receptivity216 and exposure200 to tobacco and e-cigarette marketing is also correlated with dual use (i.e., use of multiple tobacco/e-cigarette products) among US adolescents.200

A meta-analysis examining the effects of different advertising types on adolescents found exposure to e-cigarette advertising in retail stores and online or on social media was associated with increased use of e-cigarettes.215 Another meta-analysis have found that greater exposure to and engagement with e-cigarette content on social media is associated with e-cigarette use.188  A study examining mediators of this relationship found that e-cigarette content on social media that promotes e-cigarettes as useful for improving mood and reducing stress may encourage experimentation. Content that promotes flavours and e-cigarettes as cleaner and more socially acceptable than cigarettes may escalate e-cigarette use among experimenters.217 Longitudinal studies have also found that price promotions and coupons associated with e-cigarette use.218,219 Effects on use and perceptions of tobacco cigarettes

A longitudinal study in the US found that receptivity to e-cigarette marketing was associated with later conventional cigarette smoking,220 while research in Germany found that exposure to e-cigarette advertisements may increase the likelihood of initial use of e-cigarettes, cigarettes, and hookahs.221 More frequent exposure to e-cigarette commercials may be associated with increased use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes among young people.207 Some studies of exposure to e-cigarette adverts among children have not found evidence that it increases the appeal of tobacco smoking,38,222 although such exposure may reduce the perceived harms of occasional tobacco smoking.222,223 Among people who smoke, e-cigarette advertising appears to increase desire both to use e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes,224-226 and among ex-smokers, exposure to e-cigarette adverts can increase desire to smoke and weaken confidence in abstaining.227 A meta-analysis found mixed results regarding the impact of exposure to both e-cigarette and tobacco-related social media content on the likelihood of dual use.188 Targeting high-risk groups

Along with their marketing that targets youth, there have been reports of e-cigarette manufacturers explicitly targeting their marketing and promotion to other vulnerable groups. JUUL has allegedly directly marketed its products and offered discounts to Native American tribes.228-230 Similarly, there is evidence in New Zealand that PMI has targeted Māori231 and people living in poverty232 with its ‘reduced risk’ products. JUUL has also targeted its marketing to the US military and veteran population.233,234

Research in the US found that uptake of e-cigarettes was associated with exposure to e-cigarette advertising among minority youth.235 Another US study found Black and Asian youth were more likely to report exposure to e-cigarette advertisement through TV and online.236 Additionally, US research indicated that Black and Asian people were more likely than White people to trust e-cigarette companies with information about the health effects of e-cigarettes, highlighting the importance of considering racial and ethnic minorities in the development of public education campaigns.237 

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Relevant news and research

A comprehensive compilation of news items and research published on this topic (Last updated December 2024)

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1. National Cancer Institute. Part 2-Tobacco marketing, in The Role of the Media. Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph no. 19. Bethesda MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute; 2008.  Available from:

2. US Department of Health and Human Services. Preventing tobacco use among young people: A report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2012. Available from:

3. Zhu S-H, Gamst A, Lee M, Cummins S, Yin L, et al. The use and perception of electronic cigarettes and snus among the US population. PLoS One, 2013; 8(10):e79332. Available from:

4. Regan AK, Promoff G, Dube SR, and Arrazola R. Electronic nicotine delivery systems: adult use and awareness of the 'e-cigarette' in the USA. Tobacco Control, 2013; 22(1):19-23. Available from:

5. Xu Y, Guo Y, Liu K, Liu Z, and Wang X. E-Cigarette Awareness, Use, and Harm Perception among Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. PLoS One, 2016; 11(11):e0165938. Available from:

6. Pericot-Valverde I, Gaalema DE, Priest JS, and Higgins ST. E-cigarette awareness, perceived harmfulness, and ever use among U.S. adults. Preventive Medicine, 2017. Available from:

7. Bauld L, Angus K, de Andrade M, and Ford A, Electronic cigarette marketing: current research and policy. Cancer Research UK; 2016. Available from:

8. Cho YJ, Thrasher JF, Driezen P, Hitchman SC, Reid JL, et al. Trends in exposure to and perceptions of e-cigarette marketing among youth in England, Canada and the United States between 2017 and 2019. Health Education Research, 2021. Available from:

9. Hammond D, Reid JL, Burkhalter R, and Rynard VL. E-cigarette Marketing Regulations and Youth Vaping: Cross-Sectional Surveys, 2017-2019. Pediatrics, 2020; 146(1). Available from:

10. Ma H, Noar SM, and Ribisl KM. Associations of e-cigarette advertising exposure with curiosity and susceptibility among U.S. adolescents: National Youth Tobacco Surveys, 2014-2020. PLoS One, 2024; 19(9):e0303903. Available from:

11. Li X, Kaiser N, Borodovsky JT, Riordan R, Kasson E, et al. National Trends of Adolescent Exposure to Tobacco Advertisements: 2012-2020. Pediatrics, 2021; 148(6). Available from:

12. Li W, Kong G, Davis DR, Bold KW, Krishnan-Sarin S, et al. Sources of exposure to non-tobacco nicotine electronic nicotine delivery systems and associations with susceptibility to use and use behaviors among young adults in the United States. PLoS One, 2024; 19(5):e0299533. Available from:

13. Pettigrew S, Santos JA, Pinho-Gomes AC, Li Y, and Jones A. Exposure to e-cigarette advertising and young people's use of e-cigarettes: A four-country study. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2023; 21:141. Available from:

14. Amin S, Dunn AG, and Laranjo L. Exposure to e-cigarette information and advertising in social media and e-cigarette use in Australia: A mixed methods study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2020; 213:108112. Available from:

15. Kim AE, Arnold KY, and Makarenko O. E-cigarette advertising expenditures in the U.S., 2011-2012. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2014; 46(4):409-12. Available from:

16. Haardorfer R, Cahn Z, Lewis M, Kothari S, Sarmah R, et al. The Advertising Strategies of Early E-cigarette Brand Leaders in the United States. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 2017; 3(2):222-31. Available from:

17. United States of America MCMXV Federal Trade Commission. Federal Trade Commission E-Cigarette Report for 2021.  2024. Available from:

18. Ali FRM, Marynak KL, Kim Y, Binns S, Emery SL, et al. E-cigarette advertising expenditures in the USA, 2014-2018. Tobacco Control, 2020; 29(e1):e124-e6. Available from:

19. Huang J, Duan Z, Kwok J, Binns S, Vera LE, et al. Vaping versus JUULing: how the extraordinary growth and marketing of JUUL transformed the US retail e-cigarette market. Tobacco Control, 2019; 28(2):146-51. Available from:

20. Miller A. 'A desperate act': Imperial Tobacco Canada under fire for 'misinformation' ad campaign, in CBC2020. Available from:

21. The Canadian Press. Health Canada, Quebec investigating Imperial Tobacco vaping ad campaign, in CBC2020. Available from:

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Chapter 2